so, the description is rather, let's say, unclear... from what i read it's something like 10% damage reduction. is it? or isn't it? any clues? coz i wonder if it pays off to spend 2ap on totally useless skill to get this one.
i opened my bag of questions and found that : is there somewhere a complete description of those "hidden" skills ? where do you need to put your ap in order to obtain them ? is this 10% dmg reduction only obtainable by iss, or every classe putting points here will get it ? can you have more than 1 of those skills ? how can we see if our eyes aren't real ?
on patch notes, soon! meanwhile someone posted a link above... ‘noble guidance', ‘noble eagle eye', and ‘noble vision' only iss specifically gets that specific bonus. considering you need 12 aps to get one, nope
thank you both for your answers ! i was planning to get it anyway, so it's a nice bonus. btw, i love the description of the "buff" : "received bonus -10%". will probably sound more like a debuff to the iss that get this skill without being aware of what it actually does.