i don't post it in bug section because i don't know if it's normal but im wondering why : we can choose disparition skill on main and dual class but why if i use it on main i also have cooldown on dual ? if i can choose it on dual why i can't use it after using it on main ? i should be able to do it. also a different thing, battle roar (from destroyer) should restore some % of max hp but it doesnt restore anything at all. bug ?
1) i think in some update, long ago, they put so that the same skill will share re-use on the dual, same id, same character. example: for sure u cant use 2 rapsos in a row if u have main iss and dual iss 2)this has been like this for long time, its jsut the way it works. simply the skill will only heal if you have the batle roar itself(or a buff of the same level and doing the same effect like blessed body) or no hp buff replaced it at all. so as golemka mentioned, the pipe organ doesnt let you heal, and maestro has the same feature with "battle cry". essentialy the heal is tied down to the landing of the buff on you, if ur buff is not applied, it doesnt heal.
1) to bad it works this way, main and dual are 2 different classes so i though i could use its own skills separatly. 2) the skill description says : "instantly recovers 10% of max hp and augment max hp by 10%" since the heal effect is in the first place i though i can get hp recovered even if my hp doesnt augment coz of some higher buff like pipe organ. ex: 7k hp no buff and 14k full buffed. i tough i can get at least 700 hp heal (10% of max hp buffless). atm it's kinda nonsense for me. ty for infos btw.