so, good moning. i come from ncwest. ofc, i hate bot/scripts users and it is the reason from i leave there. but, how can i make r grade sets/weapon with this adena drop? dragon valley for exemple had a most terrible drop from all world. 30/50 adena peer mob? the exp is amazing, but the farm?! on ncwest, adena drops dont matter cuz if you can bot 24/7, you do billions easy. but here, ppl play like a humans and its become really hard. anyone can give me some trips to make more adena grinding?! thanks and sorry for my "perfect" english.
adena grinding is impossible the way you want it. yes dragon valley seems to have the korean/ncwest drop rates for some reason but tbh this is the only one i know. if you want to make money you make many alt characters and farm zakens and freyas. picking adena from mobs is not really any serious profit.
by the way, to answer your first question, the whole r-grade set is given to you if you've a mentor when you awaken. so basically, you don't have to spend an adena (outside shots) until 95ish (seraph/specter stuff). if you want to make your immortal stuff 3*60 (not to be one-shot by every monster that would come too close), make yourself a sponsor when you hit 85 to "buy" +60 stone at mentor guide.
people are botting because there's no other possibility to get adena (without nolifing 24/7), if the server would be full of adena, nobody would bother about botting
when you could farm adena in ncwest places were full of bots (like mos or gog). you know why? because they could and adena is never enough. if you want to increase adena flowing between hands of players you put drops on raids. you dont increase the adena dropped from individual mobs. you can ask also ireflect ingame i am sure he would be glad to assist you
good one :d the day he gonna farm anything with hes hand ,the day lineage gonna remove l2store and drop rate gonna be 10000%
that was not applied here the way it was applied on west and korea. dragon valley mobs are new there. so they have the same drops as they have in korea and west. if they were included in previous patches they wouldnt have these drops rates.