dear santa, it's me again leonidar, i know we haven't talked since that incident with 'santas girl' at aden christmas party a few years back, but i have grown up a lot since then and i have cut down on the eggnog a lot. and as i stopped getting coal in my stockings last year i either guessed you have fogiven me or that you forgot about me. and with the rumor with that you give out christmas epics this year just make m ...*erm* nevermind that now. so just out of the blue what do you say santa, shall we let bygones be bygones, and will you start delivering christmas presents to my chimney again? and i promise i do less kill stealing from now on, mage honor. if you don't remember the address i write it down for you. core - leonidar necromancer level 69 ps: the level has nothing to do with what happened with santas girl, it's purely accidental.