hello lineagers i'm trying to lvl my hatchling and sometimes my wolf (but because quest xp doesn't count for pets) i'm already a higher lvl than my pets. now thats not a really big deal but now while i'm grinding my pets draw an awfully lot of argo (and because they are a lower lvl) they die. alot. most mobs will go to atk directly the pet instead of me (while i'm in front, so you would say it should atk the first whom it come close by) but it almost seems thats not the case? i'm a fighter class and can't heal my pets so its really difficult to lvl them, is there a sollution?
pets have a command to stop following you. use that to park your pet away from where you're fighting in a safe position. (away from agro mobs but not too far that they stop getting xp). if he's following you mobs tend to go for it as it it was their last meal.