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"private" Dimentional sieges by CM Onyx

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by SeeingRed, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. SeeingRed

    SeeingRed User

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    knowing how people are usually reacting on topics like that i have my doubts about any positive result but lets try.
    * playing on this server for last half year i see dramatically huge difference of gear. in the same time we have almost zero drops from all lvl of instances but ppl permanently appearing with new oe items thanks to new and new p2w events.
    * new event of dimentional sieges will bring us. 24 stones per year in hands of people that already have pvp sets and epic jwels. not going to point with a finger on clans bcoz it does not metter.
    this is a lie. and i hope you guys understand it. i foresee that sieges will become "gainak like pvps" top clan will be signing bots to get over a "lucky" castle. and you will end up with even more difference between top and average. that difference that will make impossible any sort of competitive fights.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2015
  2. Slaiter

    Slaiter Banned

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    well with original system, only top clans from korean / ru / west servers can get pvp weapon stones, like here right now.

    the difference, is that with original system, all others clans not getting pvp weapon stones, have also a chance to get pvp armor stones (we have not them in our system right now). imo to keep the balance from top clans getting pvp stones and all others clan, they should add pvp armor stones as common reward for all other castles not getting the weapon stone)

    to keep a balance from pvp sets and weapon in server, i would also add pvp armor stones to all other castles, in 1 siege you have the chance to get 1 pvp weapon which means almost counter to 1 pvp set, so i would add also pvp armor stones to all other castles (maybe not 63 / 8 castles to make 1 full pvp set in server in 2 weeks, but mby 32 pvp armor stones ( 4 per castle) each castle siege)
    syzgod likes this.
  3. SeeingRed

    SeeingRed User

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