hi, is there something like regular armor appearance stone? for example, if i wanted to change appearance of my twilight leather armor (r) to old zubei's leather shirt (b). i found this page about changing appearance, but it's ncw, right?
nc has different stones. as was said - only modify scroll can make permanent app. but do not forget, it will destroy item you use for app (like you said you want old zubei - zubei will be destroyed).
blessed modify armor/weap scrolls in l2store. but after that you can't trade armor/weapon. and they just for 30d ))
don't understand. what about "30-day"? edit: ok, so it's blessed on l2store (not destroy, but not permanent) and now i found scroll: modify armor (r-grade) (will destroy, but permanent).
it happens rarely that thanks to an event you can get the blessed permanet one, i had them for both armor and weapon. but as i said they are rare and not tradable scrolls
you can get it from ancient kartia rewards, i think it cost like 480 ancien kartia labyrinth chronicle. one thing is that you need to get pass for that ancient kartia that have a chance to get from premium dragon buff normally from 1 ancient kartia you are able to get 14-17 coins. useing this item is pernament also, but its pretty long term to get it by doing ancient kartia
i'm sorry to resurrect this post, but it is not clear to me. there is a "blessed scroll: modify armor" on l2store for 30-days, 7-days and 1-day. you guys said the "modify scroll" was permanent or not? suppose i already have my r95 full set and i already have my s80 full set. regardless of whether i want to keep it or not, how do i go about changing it's appearance permanently? only l2store limited scrolls?
if you want to change it perma use modify scrolls (that will break your armor that you use appearence of) or now since there is an event you can get some perma blessed appearence scroll aswell but only in l2store..