its starting to be annoing, we have every week one maintenance break. and since some weeks innova makign secound maintenance in week. so for premium account users its just waste of pa. ok maybe it is only once per week, so in month we should have like 4 maintenances, but now it starting to be 7 or 8. when someone wanna log at morning to leave his char to make pa points before going to work, he is unable to do that, cause cant log like in that moment site dont work cause "maintenance break". so there is any good reason innova making since like 2 months an extra maintenance on server every week? cause it is really starting to be annoing.
if you really need to do this, make pa points generate themselves even when player is offline. + you will reduce carbonoxide footprint because less power will be consumed + players will be happy + more players will consider pa
i wish it would be like that. i usually miss pa points, because i'm not leaving my character online when i'm out of home and etc. :d