i am wondering this elemental mass burst , how good it is , and if its worth rolling to archmage for it . also whats its conditions to use it and how much reuse it has ?
rerolling to archmage from what ? what u wanna do pve or pvp, for aoe pve its rly good triggers if u use elemental destruction just like single elemental burst and only with spell singer 100% but then single
in aoe, archmage wins all. you basically have an additionnal aoe spell which has the skill power of the sum of your other aoe skills, which gives an aoe debuff of 20% mdef. only condition, to land the elemental destruction on your target. if you land it, feel free to unleash hell (no, not this skill) on your opponents. but ! you will not have the 1v1 power given by curse gloom, nor the survivability given by the summon of the soultaker. atm, every other feohs are far less powerful than those 2 imo. wanna aoe (pve, pvp) ? go archmage. wanna 1v1 / survive (someone is telling me that surviving can be good, sometimes) ? go soultaker.
i am feoh storm screamer and i was thinking since i wanna aoe solo with my iss box , to change to archmage temporarily. what is the cooldown of the skill btw ?
there is a 2-4s (don't remember) cd on the elemental destruction (no cd on elemental burst). but between mass devil, your 2 usual aoe spells, your elemental destruction+elemental burst, you won't wait for your cd.