hi guys! i am feoh sts 90 lvl (almost 91) so i was wondering if a storm screamer would be viable for 99 endgame pvp/oly/pve or i have to change to soultaker for survivablity. thanks in advance!
viable ? it is. is soultaker better for survivability ? yes, as it is for 1v1 dmg output (curse gloom)
thanks for the answer, seivlas, but i am going to keep my high matk and aoe dmg for now, gonna change to soultaker at 99
at lvl 99 u will deal more aoe dmg on pvp, and if u'll have feoh soultaker in ur pt u will deal even more dmg if u'll assist him.
guys, by endgame pve/pvp/oly i meant only those i will never be able to afford +++gear beacuse i dont put any euro in game (only for a change to other feoh), so i will not be a stacked player.
So, if i have a stormscreamer lvl100 should i change to soultaker? What's the trick by chaging? You'll keep anything from dark elf, like stats? I'm not pleased at all of my storm on this Helios update. Really hate it. I'm a pve player. Only an iss whit bad gear can do so low dmg like me(on rb's). Before update i hit Baylor whit max crit 30k. Now, after update, i do max 24k crit. Where's the boost that everyone is speacking?
In my opinion damage-wise, we are doing less damage now, far less actually on pvp and pve looking at the numbers (with the stupid changes to both unleash hell skills). Our survivability is boosted by the changes to wizard spirit. As about you changing or not, what are you doing with this feoh? If you are doing aoe parties, going necro wont help you do higher damage, you would do less. A better idea for now, before GC update comes you can switch to archmage. If you are doing instances mostly, you would do more damage on STS than necro too, given that bosses would be perhaps debuffed by you, iss and few others. As about what changes for you if you go on necro, you lose empowering echo, one the passives (that one giving you 20% matk on your level iirc) and gets replaced by another giving you 10%. You get the chance to keep arcane barrier or learn transfer pain and summons + you can learn gloom. You keep all your stats, dyes, ap, certificates, enchants (you lose enchanted unique skills like empowering echo and barrier's if you learn transfer pain). If you feel paper you can change to soultaker or soulhound