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Annex 1 to 4game Forum rules

Discussion in 'Important information' started by Gatses, Mar 4, 2015.

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  1. Gatses

    Gatses Honorary User

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    Annex 1 to 4game forum rules

    Violations and Penalties*
    Violation Infraction points Expires in (days)
    Thread «Bumping» 3 30
    Flood 3 30
    Inappropriate profile content (avatar / photo / signature / personal data / status bar imitation) 5 30
    Inappropriate thread / Thread title 5 30
    Necroposting 5 30
    Overquoting 5 30
    Using other languages including transliteration without need 5 30
    Crossposting 5 30
    Inappropriate nickname 5 30
    Offtopic / Offthread 5 30
    Abusing codes (tags), coloring, capital letters, images 5 30
    Quoting messages containing infractions/Discussing bans or suspensions 5 30
    Flaming 5 40
    Alternative account creation 5 40
    Inappropriate language (special section) 5 10
    Inappropriate language 10 60
    Forwarding messages from read only or banned Users 10 60
    Criticism of Administrator's/Moderator's actions regarding Forum 10 60
    Publication of false information 15 60
    Impersonating Innova Staff 15 60
    Threat of violence / physical attack 15 60
    Insulting 15 60
    Discrimination of any kind (race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual preferences, religion, age etc.) 15 60
    Discussing project's vulnerabilities 15 60
    Publishing illegal, obscene or mature content 15 60
    Exposing of private data of a User 15 60
    Discussing RMT 15 60
    Advertising 50 120
    Publishing of materials violating author's rights / European Laws 50 120
    Publishing information about or links to malicious software 50 120
    Multiple and regular violations of Forum Rules 50 120
    Advertising of bots / Account selling/RMT 100 no
    Alternative account 100 no
    Spaming / Phishing 100 no
    Passing account data to a 3rd party 100 no

    * Due to the nature of violations and their systematic character blocking time can be changed by Administration or persons authorized by it to that.

    Blocking duration**
    Status Points Duration (days)
    Read only 5 1
    Read only 10 3
    Read only 15 7
    Read only 30 14
    Read only 40 30
    Read only 50 30
    Read only 60 30
    Read only 70 30
    Read only 80 30
    Read only 90 30
    Banned 100 no

    **Due to the nature of violations and their systematic character blocking time can be changed by Administration or persons authorized by it to that.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
    Constance9 and withdkd like this.
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