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Base class - Role class

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by hilune, Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. hilune

    hilune User

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    hello all!!

    i am new here, and new to all god stuff aswell xd

    i've been reading lots os threads in this forum, trying to learn the most before leveling so i do'nt make any stupid decision (like buying gear on npc lol)

    i was looking for info about classes and etc, and i came acrooss something like this: "base class playng role of another class". something like if i could create an elven character, ands then play as dark elven class, but with elven stats. is this really possible? or did i misunderstood? xd

    i've read abou subclasses and dualclasses, and as far as i know they re the same regarding the awakening of the dualclass.

    please tell me if i am wrong =d

    thanks for your attention all of you!
    Schofield and Bellroth like this.
  2. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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    yes. you can be base elf archer for exemple. have the skin, the high dex and low str stats, but the role "yul moonlight sentinel" that give u "speed" + "reuse delay" mastery + buff, will be replaced for skill power ones, from "yul ghost sentinel".
  3. hilune

    hilune User

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    thanks snowyz!!

    and how do this work? is it related to dualclass? do you know where i could find more info about that system?
  4. hilune

    hilune User

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    after some research i found out that there is this item called chaos essence o_o

    searching about this item on forum i got to a thread where vilmand asked:

    "hi! if i use chaos essence pack on a main class, then basic statistic (like str, con, dex ...) change also in accordance with choose a race of class?
    for example: i have othell wind rider (elven race) and i have 82 str. i change class on othell ghost hunter (dark elven race) and then i have still 82 str ona main and dual class or i have 92 str in accordance with choose dark elven race?

    and then cobra replied:

    "you are changng your class, not your race. stats are per race, so the answer is no - your stats will be the same as before."

    i guess this answer my question =d

    thank you =)
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