we're a pvp oriented cp searching for iss enchanter and othell/feoh (or any other dd that proves to be good enough at his class). current members: ultimated, max1mo, troy, ronove, shimura. what we're looking for: - english speaking player that uses teamspeak; - 99 lvl with full ap or close; - play time: 20:00 - 23:00 gmt +1 or more; - experienced dd in pvp that knows his class; - experienced iss enchanter or capable and willing to learn; - decent equipment (full gear is not required but the minimum for a good pvp); - dedicated member with will to pvp and pve when needed and constant improvement. for any question or more info pm/mail in game shimura or ultimated.
< here the mighty legend waiting for call from the mighty queen shimura to joins her side in fight against the infidels