uploaded on rutube, because rutube doesn't give a damn about music used ! :d scenes : 1. parnasus 2. parnasus 3. parnasus 4. parnasus 5. parnasus i think you get the picture >.> few fights are ~20 vs 20 or so, the last few are 7v7 or so. music : weird al yankovic 1. white & nerdy 2. amish paradise 3. fat 4. eat it 5. smells like nirvana 6. ebay lame editing, but i did this over teamviewer, so ....yeh :f note : the video is hd, you can set it from the wheel -> "лучшее". dailymotion upload ( unless they remove it ) :
because you're blocking ads probably. wait i will update first post with dailymotion upload. don't worry reflect, pvp from last night also incoming. we were 300 and you were 30.
did i worry at all about hero who is restarting to me ? accepting in his clan,trashtalkers who was pissing **** on him for 2 years, and getting back stabs from his "ally" . buddy, the last think that i worry for, are you xd p.s. instead of spend half day to make photo shop comic, try to play olympiad as a man, and not to stream your fights vs boxes xd
so ? me restarting to you was wrong why ? i was on feedwaves, so i didn't have time to waste. neither my hero was in danger ( because i wasn't pretender this month ), neither ireflect is gonna be hero this month, so it didn't matter. i saved time. you can blabla about it all you want.
the second part of your fraps really shines!!! a bit more than the 1st half! guess why! *wink* *wink* xd this is the fraps u should have posted tinary xd