my first movie on core from olympiad. there are many mistakes from my side but i hope u'll enjoy it. fight list: - ivanilla (feoh soultaker) - panoramix (feoh soultaker) - yuzuriha (feoh storm screamer) - misskamael (feoh soultaker) - xxdalailamaxx (yul sagittarius) - almen (yul ghost sentinel) - schmatka (aeore eva's saint) - fanagoria (sayha's seer) - canlupusarctos (sigel shillien templar) - arissa (feoh soultaker) - ladyvampir (feoh soultaker) - ibasass (sayha's seer) - nikuya (feoh soultaker) ps: while uploading, i got the feeling that something went wrong with the fraps, and i see i can't even write my clan name without any mistake
fight list: - ivanilla (feoh soultaker) why you put that on list if now even end of fight is not show? first music i have impression someone used in one fraps pretty recently. its a detail but when i hear again the same music in another fraps i just blah. as fraps. not bad. enjoyed it
1: my fail :/, but i can upload screen or full fight if u want to see end of fight. 2: youtube doesn't like me and said "nope u need to change music in your video (blocked in 174 countrys) and i choose the 1st one from list
meh. next time take a sec to arrange the buffs/etc. i mean, watching your opponent's hp from under your buff bar and that damned target window, w/e is called, is annoying. a cosmetic detail, but annoying. to me. at least. rest is enjoyable, tho i know **** about feohs. :d
gj doljo, you're improving. you've got the idea to use double casting before arcane barrier, however you click ab too fast so you fail to get less cooldown on it. versus tanks i have nothing to add, you do both kiting and attacking and chaining skills good. versus dds you miss the kiting part. in a good match you have to kite even versus dds when they are under cele or they are untargetable(to don't lose your mana). vs some archer you used unbind first, without having arcane barrier. it's bad, you basicly waste unbind this way, cause you had to use dispa/cf to survive anyway even before your unbind finished. p.s.: you definitely outplayed all your opponents who appear in this video, looking forward for matches where the enemy tries to do the same to you, even if you lose.