can feoh (storm screamer) win in olympiad? i mean at level 85-90. i have +6 twilight robe set and sigil apocalypse buster +0 lv3 obsidian,emerald and diamond freya necklace, stina shirt at the moment, im working to: get venir talisman lv4 enchant my weapon apply sa get my infinity talisman level up my subs to get certificate skills (not sure if offense or defense) i am wondering what are the things that i needed to aquire or do to stand a chance in olympiad. or should i forget it? but if you guys can share your feoh strategies in olympiad, it will be very helpful. thanks and have a nice day.
i advice you to first get lvl 99 and for now do oly just for 10fights quest. other strategies is just losing time and points (which u can exchange for tokens).
lvl 90 matches are mostly based on luck, lucky crit, lucky debuff, lucky reset, lucky geodata bug. you might win 99s, you might loose to 90s. no point to focus setup for oly at such early level.
you mean "meatballs" are weak/easy opponent? even 99 and have a good gear? is there nothing i can do to win that olympiad? i know every class in lineage 2 has strengths and weaknesses for balance. so, i really want tips from professional feohs out there on how can we dominate other classes and become a deadly mage. maybe with practice, i can develop my prowess of escaping-nuke-barrier-escape and so on. or i am just wasting my time. or i just picked the weakest class.
no its not the weakest class, dmg wise its kinda most op? but it lacks of defense, they are more like a glass cannons, must have ur own strategy to be imba :d