so we can expect a lot of fixes, hope of a lot patchnotes, and i am sure that now ppl dont be allow to use l2 net or more gms to ban that botters, innova plz make something with that
feel free to visit ltwonet forums, to check out that people wasn't able to use it before. i still didn't saw any single bot in game.
lol so ppls are big ******s, really , in fact go to forsaken plains, i cant believe that som1 can exp here as tyrant for ~ 8 hours, anyway we need more gms in game ;p
did you tried to pm that tyrant? i saw one guy who leveled in one place for 10hours and he answered every single pm i wrote to him. yeah there could be more gm online, on core zero and on aria there is at least few of them. :>
patchnotes only happens after chronicle changes and are usualy small ones , if u want full ones(atleast near to full) ull have to go to read at korean site. but no u wont get patchnotes after maintance, no game dose that. 8h is nothing i exped whit my clanies for 13h+ i usualy got normal chat off, and if some random pms me or i see in chat, are u boting? we wont respound, we dont care bout randoms, we arent boting so we dont have naything to wory bout.
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