well me and my friends are stumped. what exactly is skill recall and why can't innova do it? my personal guess is that some emo crybabies wanted to keep some of their pre-4th skills and that is what innova reffer to as "skill recall"? if so - tough! ha! if not - what in the sodding hell is skill recall? can anyone clarify?
healer that took "superior armor mastery" lost their old light mastery. so, they have less pdef and cast spd in robe set than healer with "light mastery" in light set something like 500 cast speed ... but, how to know it w/o trying or reading korean forums ?
yeah and feoh wizards death syphon or something like that.cba to log in to check.anyway i lost vamp claw a much better skill so i can get this pos.gg.
well, i appreciate that someone got it. people should just thank that other softwares for pvp aren't running with frost, instead of complaining about bots.
ofc, i know but, at least, ban them when there are proofs (like screeshots, fraps, and so on) (and, i'm not complaining about frost or protections, i'm complaining about staff actions concerning botting/cheat )
yes skill recall is getting pre 4th class skills back and it wont happen. iirc it will be fixed with the harmony update. closing thread to avoid useless spam.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.