i`ll post here since it`s almost the same only a little update about a fix list or more like a "working on" and "to do list" for example: "working on/in progress" or w/e name u choose list: - mentoring system - current event/future event info - web page "to do list" mainly things you can`t do and are waiting for koreans: - cruma tower - ss lags might be 2 separate topics and get updated at every server maitainance, just updated the progress even if for example , lets say it is x-mas - u`ll post (even a few days later) - no progress because of holidays - even posting that there is no progress is something but don`t do it too often i hope i managed to explain what my idea was.
pitja it`s not my fault that when u read smth about update/fix log u relate it to priv/l2j server and tbh it is a private server just licensed - cuz it is not managed by ncsoft, as the retail servers from the past that you are reffering to were.
i hope the following link helps you regarding your feedback. https://forum.4game.com/showthread.php?t=5098&p=49687&viewfull=1#post49687 regards.