fact: dwarves use heavy armor and blunts/polearms and all dwarf skills need a blunt or a polearm to be equiped. fact: after they awake into othell rogue they won't have heavy armor and blunt/polearm mastery. instead they will have light armor and dagger mastery. question: will there be any way to change a heavy armor set and a blunt/polearm for the equivalent light armor set and dagger? otherwise ins't it unfair for fortune seekers to have to get double s grade or r grade before awakening or?
fact 2 is only for spoiler and no there will not be any way to change your armor and weap. but spoiler is already dagger class in high five so u will have dagger mastery from lvl 20 or 24. and dwarves had always light armor mastery so u dont have to play in heavy armor with blunt , pole.
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