hi, i karmed player.he my level. and i have 720 karma... how i can clear it don't fighting monster? lietuviškai: gal kas žinot kaip galima nusimt karma nežudant mobų? 720 mobų mušt užsipisimas! :d
the key to dikarma fast is to overhit mobs found this out some days ago normal kills1-2 overhit 10-30 gl
every 10000 xp takjes off 1 pk. so lowbies has no other choice but to make new char. lietuviå¡kai: ne nėra jokios kitos alternatyvos apart muå¡ant mobus. questas "repent your sins" buvo iå¡imtas tad arba kurkis naują char, arba taikstykis su pasėkmėm
i've read finishing quests with exp reward can increase negative reputation. haven't tested yet but perhaps worth a shot.
sorry for double post but with edit nobody would notice. merge if necessary. @umbarabumba should be possible somehow then to finish quests in chaotic state? :s
when you kill white/green/blue mobs, but when i karmed on lvls 6x-7x i was getting 2-4 on red/pink ones using an overhit. on higher lvls it's even faster, sure it's more of the pain in the *** than the old system, but still not that a big deal.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned. kind regards.