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Iss enchanter pvp

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Enslaved, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. Enslaved

    Enslaved User

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    hi all, i am quite new in l2 and i have awekened as iss enchanter. but seems i need to study alot how to play with iss. well firstly i have learned to play in party: buffs, other members hp, agro etc situation and much more. but now our clan have some cws so im learning to pvp. unfortunately i **** a lot :d firstly i've been dying in matter of seconds. later i get used to react faster and keep mysel alive longer. then i've read some infos about macros. they helped me alot. now i can keep myself and even party members alive! still i got mana afcourse... well and now i want to hear some advices when and what skills to use better to kill my enemies? because i dont know if its me or whenever i debuff someone it resists lol. and then i just skill, skill, heal, skill till my mana ends and bsoe :d. so any advices for o poor pvper?:confused:
  2. Arividerchi

    Arividerchi User

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    well, if they resist like every your debuff, it means their higher level. it they are higher than 3+lvl you should just bsoe, cause healer will outheal all your friends damage if not eventually you die. in party pvp your main role: debuff enemies damage dealers, buff your teamm8s and assist your main dd. oh, and you are not supposed to heal your members, healer must fulfill this role. if your party doesnt have atleast 1 healer then it is parties set/combo problem, not yours. since your role is buffer, dont expect to get a lot kills. main role: buff/debuff, stick to it and you will be great iss enchater in pvp and pve.

  3. Komoz

    Komoz User

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    in solo pvp start with cancel, charge, suspension debuff and spam skills in the correct order (-pdef first so next skills will do more dmg). remember to heal yourself during fight and use root while fighting range classes like archer. if u are fighting with more than 1 person don`t forget about turning into rabbit and stone things.

    in party pvp focus on assisting your dd`s and -pdef/mdef their targets. when enemy party have battle rapsody up, use 30s celestial, but let your party members know that you do it, so they have time to stop attacking.

    main error in 1vs1 pvp is that enchanters don`t use heal- when they go low on hp they just use return. if you have less than 60% hp, just drop a heal and continue fighting, you will be amazed how long u can stay alive.
  4. Enslaved

    Enslaved User

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    thank you, its great tips! lets use them in practise :)
  5. TereuS

    TereuS User

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    root is the only skill never landed when i pvp with my iss, the others have a nice land rate

    just love ultimate suspension and aoes debuffs for mass pvps
  6. EmcTolis

    EmcTolis User

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    root only land on tanks ;)
    i never landed to any other char!
  7. Daide

    Daide User

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    as a tyr warrior i've never loose against one of them.

    last time kill a full twi iss -> in the end i was full hp.

    so i think manage your mana when you are fighting, stay alive and hit when can dude.
    kill a tank or a healer can be very hard. it's a mana fight
  8. gageris

    gageris User

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    i am iss, and what do i do in party fight:
    i have 1 token "for me" (other 3 are set in the begining). so first you go to debuff first 3, and after they are dead you put your 4th token on new targets, and watch, if one of first 3 are not alive (one of primary targets, depands on pvp if it's 2 healers and dd, or all 3 dd's). also try to disable healers in the begining, turning them to rabit and stone. use your rapsody after enemy first party celestial. and if you see your tank on low hp - heal him, you'll give him massive amounts of hp, + you live longer. if you do arranged pvp in coliseum, always ress your healers first. and always use wizard harmony in mass pvp (unless you are bugger, then knight + songs)

    solo fighting: against all classes, try to land ultimate suspension. and your skill set should be like this: cripling attack > death strike > mass criple att > mass shadow blade > shadow blade > then cripling attack and death strike again are re-used. after this set, try to stone\transform, and spam heal on yourself untill all skills re-used.
    harmonies: (you can throw away warrior, never use it. it's useless for you both in pvp and pve. unless you run, +speed is only good thing in it )
    against tyr, sigel, othel, yul, iss - use knight. against feoh, aore - wizard. against wyrm - both have their pluses, but personally i like wizard more.

    targets in olympiad you really want to get:
    rogues (easiest targets, when you are in knight and with 17-21k hp, you can outheal their dmg very easy, and just spam your skills on it)
    archers (if you get stun from him - thats bad. otherwise - it's easy spaming skills and heal, fight.)
    warriors (same as othels, but never run from it and watch your weapon. still, it's quite easy target)
    targets in olympiad, winable, but harder ones:
    tanks (don't use suspension against him - you'll get it yourself. after skill set you have to run and try to heal (agro sux), if you won't kill it in all fight - you will lose on dmg)
    healers (in good arena - you can do some dmg on it, and then run 4mins. remove drum to be faster. in open arena - hop for skill crits and that transfrom\stone lands, so he can't heal all your dmg.)
    wizards (if he doesn't mcrit you more than 5k - you will win it. otherwise - you will lose it. don't forget angel touch before rushing, so you won't find your self in the air.)
    iss (shots wasting, always use angel touch, so you won't get cripling attack on yourself.)
    sumoner (in open arena almost no chanses, just spam skills\heals and always use angel touch. but still, not much chanses to win.)

    i wrote here only equal equip\lvl fights. otherwise it's 99% win or lose.
  9. EmcTolis

    EmcTolis User

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    and your skill set should be like this: cripling attack > death strike > mass criple att > mass shadow blade > shadow blade > then cripling attack and death strike again are re-used
  10. Daide

    Daide User

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    why :d ?

  11. TereuS

    TereuS User

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    imo this
    1st use the -pdef/mdef debuff skills
    2nd use the higehst cooldowns skills you have (death and aoes), so they will end faster
    3rd use the left skills and repeat
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