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Basic GoD notions

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by AirX., Feb 15, 2012.

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  1. AirX.

    AirX. User

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    first of all, hello everyone!
    i'm a new player on aria server, coming from privates still at h5 chronicle.
    second, hope this is the right section to post in, i guess so since i actually have some questions and need some infos ;)
    coming down to my point, here's a short list of what i'd like to know about this new chronicle:
    -bound items: if i purchase, let's say, b grade armor from aden armor seller and double click them, will i get set bonuses even if all items are bount to me? and do weapon work the same, like the ones d and c grade i got from quests?
    -best shops: what will i need to buy on my own until i find some clan, and what i dont really need instead? i mean, right now i am lv 43 with 3.5m spared, so i could already afford b grade armor and jewelry, but im not really sure i will really need for the 9 levels b grade concern, maybe it is better to wait until a grade? i was really pleased when i found mid a grade items at luxury, i think i could afford them right at lv 61, if undefined items will be enough.
    -trades: i must say i expected much more general trades, there are just some sellers in aden and a few at dion, i think this depends on how easy it is to get basic equip until level 80, but what about s80++ trades? do they exist, or maybe the server itself is too young, so people dont have gear to sell?
    -bonus question: i think i was extremely luck finding high grade life stone (r grade) in my very first valentine cake, what should i do with it? i shouted a bit wts/t, but apparently noone really cares, so? shall i keep for myself later in game, or maybe try afk sell during the night? and if this is the case, how much can i value it? i really have no idea, but as i saw 1 undefined r grade weapon at 15m, i think like 7-8 could be the price?

    thank to everyone willing to answer, hope i didn't mess up things too much :)
  2. -Gojo-

    -Gojo- User

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    you get the set bonus from armor if the items are bound, you can even mix normal and bound items to form the set. you only don't get the bonus for c grade, but after that you get for b/a/s/r.
    you can skip b grade to save money, plus you get a low b weapon of your choice after you finish pailaka quest at 49.
    and about the trades, well i guess people got used to the auction house that's been implemented in the game cause it gives a way for fast and easy trading without having a char in town.
  3. Limaro

    Limaro User

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    there's no need to buy s80 in god. low r grade (requiem weapons and immortal armor) will be a good choice at lvl 85.
    yes, you will.
    bound weapons have random sa (you will get it when open an indentified weapon).
  4. AncientEvil

    AncientEvil User

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    you can get an idea of item value by searching through the auction house manager in every town.if you don't mind paying the transaction fee ,you can even sell it through the npc.
  5. copesnuff

    copesnuff User

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    core>aria because more people.
    till 85 dont purchase max stuff its not necessary.
  6. Broken

    Broken User

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    don't start another flame topic between aria and core players
  7. AirX.

    AirX. User

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    thanks everyone for the infos.
    i am playing paladin, and a new doubt came to my mind: there are differents approaches to pve, one of which is dual sword vanguard mode. i checked aden weapon merchant, and there are no dualsword available, neither normal nor unidentified. does this mean not only i should buy 2 single handed weapon and combine them together (throug blacksmith, with sop, crys and stuff) but also i would need to enchant them to +4 to get the bonus? this makes not much sense to my, since, as far as i understood, all other undefined weapons i can buy @ merchant and even luxury (up to s grade) will have random sa, whereas dualswords won't. this is unfair to gladios and bds, i can always go dle (even though ive always loved damascus) or even dragon slayer, but what about them?
    btw i really love this new "undefined" concept introduced, it allows new players to stand up for themselves up to r grade almost, s grade gear doesn't even cost much, if levelling up is done properly.
    are my thoughts correct? is there something i should be aware of, about all this new gear mechanique?

    +bonus question: apparently my r grade high stone (event) is not tradable in any form, plus it's "red coloured", as to say the whole slot/picture is red: i thought it might be because i am not level 85 yet, but as far as i knew lifestones were tradable items, has this something to do with the (event) part?

    @copesnuff: i know core is much more crowded, and that's the 1st reason why i choose aria: i don't have too much time to play, i'd rather have some peace doing quests and grinding up to pvp level, which i am sure is present on aria too.
  8. copesnuff

    copesnuff User

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    i understand i wish you good games!
  9. AirX.

    AirX. User

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    i have to say i already switched server, i found out some old l2 mates were playing on core so here i am; also, i have to say there is much more life and competition, but i never had to struggle for quest mobs or exp, altough i am only lv 43; i think things will be more complicated after awakening, but there the fun begins, so see you all in game!
  10. Devolant

    Devolant User

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    if you made a paladin again and want to go in vanguard mode i suggest shadow b grade duals from aden npc weapon master. also go bw as nobody wants tank in party until at least 76 (swamp)
  11. Kirshy

    Kirshy User

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    paladins dont use dual swords when in vanguard stance, they use 2 hand swords. you can get them at aden weapon shop (c and b grade) and lux shop (a and s grade).
  12. AirX.

    AirX. User

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    i chose pala again, i really like tanks and i find pala to be the most balanced, even tough from 85 on they all became almost the same... still far from my case anyway ^^
    i already tried 2h sword in vanguard mode, but i also heard that dual worked quite good, i guess focus sa would make the difference; about b grade, i was planning bw to go most dd possible, but i've always loved damascus, do you guys think some dama focus (assuming im lucky enough to get it) would perform better than great sword focus or guardian sword random sa? keep in mind i always buy iss buffs, so crit dmg is quite high and also i crit chance, that's why i was planning some focus weapon.
    going on with grades, i noticed low a grade armors are only for normal luxu purchase, which costs uo to 4-5m, whereas top-a are to be sold undefined, therefore max 2m: what should i go for? i know tank usually used to go for top armor (better bonus benefits), but now that the game is mostly a rush to level 85 (or 76 to get s grade), i would have preferred some tallum, quite the natural evolution of bw; same goes for weapons, dle offers crit dmg or rsk focus, and the only normal focus i could find @luxury is the quite ****ty infernal master, not really my best choice. what would you suggest to reach s grade as fast as possible?
  13. DeepBlue

    DeepBlue User

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    dear airx.,

    as your main questions have been answered i will move this topic to the class specific discussion so you can freely discuss in more details anything specific for your chosen class.

  14. AirX.

    AirX. User

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    pala guideline for newbies

    thanks for moving the thread into more specific section.

    so, here i am, level 60, great sword focus (had luck with pailaka) and bw armor, approaching a grade. i have 5m spared, but absolutely no clue about what's best.
    my simple considerations:
    gs has 213 patk +68 crit rate.
    guardian sword has 236 patk but most offensive sa is critical bleed, not that much indeed (i dont really need health for pve).
    damascus has 194 patk + focus/haste, but crit rate is less than gs, so patk is, doesnt really make sense to me.
    dle has 232 patk and crit dmg/rsk. focus, i am never under 60% hp, but i dont know if 326 on about 200crit rate is worth 68 crit rate itself.
    dragon slayer has great 282 patk, but again bad sas (critical bleed again, i dont even know why such sa has been thought).

    this is what i think my possibilities are, and also what i can really afford; as far as armor, im great with +3str of bw, i guess i will only enhance to ic.

    thanks for advices!
  15. Eska

    Eska User

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    due to no interest in this thread i'm moving it to archive.
    you can find there all moved and closed threads.
    if thread was moved there, and it shouldn't be closed yet, please pm me to move it back to the branch.

    best regards,
    piotr 'eska' kostro
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