ok, here we go: 1-rune crystal remove "grade penalty lvl 5" or remove penalty if u have "5 lvls less" than item (armor) that um `re using???? 2- about the item in oly: so, use rune crystal in olys is baneable, that means; you vs me in oly, if u are using high lvl armor i can see it and report u, bla bla drama/qq... but what hapens if u use the item to remove penalty in jewels??? i cant see jewels, and is a bit unfair. what should be the solution? can innova makes this item, non-usable in olys like cp potions, some talismans, etc??
if you are 90 lvl you can use 95 armor, so if u are 5lvls lower than the item's lvl. i'm pretty sure they can check what jwls u have if they want to, or if they are on. i don't think it can be made non-usable in oly, at least in this form, because u don't actually equip it or "use" it, it's just present in ur inventory like rune of exp.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and will be archived at the 1st of the month, as planned. kind regards.