I like those two posts from Elmar: To get the 5 slot brooch you need a 4 slot brooch plus 2 Pure Brooch Fragments. You get the 4 slot brooch by purchasing Shadai's Famous Products Package for 49,000 Won aka 50 US dollars. When purchasing that package, and only when purchassing that package, you get as bonus 1 Pure Gemstone. For 8 such Pure Gemstones you get 1 Pure Brooch Fragment plus 1 Pure Gemstone back. That means for the 2 Brooch Fragments you must buy 15 Famous Products Packages, i.e. you have to spend 750 dollars for a 5 slot brooch. In other words, 15 times as much as the 50 dollars for a 4 slot brooch. But keep in mind that in Korea everything is twice as expensive as in the USA. So if NCWest takes into account the spending power of their own customers, a 5 slot brooch will hopefully only cost you 300 or 400 dollars Well, the cost/benefit ratio seems to be a bit out of kilter. I myself would certainly not spend several hundred dollars just to be able to slot a 5th jewel. On the other hand it should be mentioned that there is no randomness involved. You pay a flat 750 dollars and Shadai makes you a Pure Brooch - no gambling, no crafting failure, no questions asked. When you compare that to the 1200 dollars a lvl 4 Abundance Talisman will cost you if you are lucky, the 5 slot brooch is positively a bargain.