Since max skill lvl will be 20 now, does the 1-10 lvl are same than before or its lowered ? I mean a skill lvl 10 on new update have same power than lvl 10 skill before update ? Or lowered by some % maybe ?
Skill enchanted to +20 on IO update = skill enchanted to +10 before IO patch, at least in terms of DMG
You cant compare it. For example daggers are the only class that can enchant a skill to duel aka clean PvP damage. A +10 duel enchant on a offensive dagger skill gives +15% more PvP damage when a +20 one gives +25%. Meantime archers do not have this option but the ignore P. defence one.
It's skill table for IO but i don't remember if before, +10 bloodstab duel was adding +15% pvp dmg also like now or 25% ?.. Coz i would be kinda useless if sleiter is right.
They didn't receive any nerf, I don't see why they should hit for less ^^' Wasn't the pvp enchant +1% pvp dmg by enchant level ? (in fact it'd be a little bit more, since the enchant also increase the base skill power)
Yes since beforte with +Duel you were increasing as well skill power, now you get only pvp damage. So to have +10 old you need +20 new and still will be not enough to cover. For that you need higher lvl skills+20 to have as before +10