Haliho Everyone! NakedForce Recruiting PVP oriented 99+ support classes and 99+ CP. General information: Clan lvl 11 with full lvl5 clan skill, Holy Squad 3 in the full clan, another squads lvl2 (lvl3 in learning phase). CH: Gludio Share system: at clan events every item sold and shared between the party/cc members. Clan chat: ONLY English We are searching: - 99+ ACTIVE players/cp - using Teamspeak all evening or if he/she is online in game - who wana give to the clan not just get (active in clan bosses,epic killing, siege,pvp etc) - who is helpful and wana have fun (no dramas) About Clan and our Rules: http://nakedforce.shivtr.com/ For question search in game: Annemarie,Biborka, Mravec
oh thy:$ sadly not my works i just like L2 fan arts and is boring to write always "we are still recruiting cps" but here is one just to you
First International NakedForce Meeting Cake <3 Was amazing fun, thy guys! (ps: Still recruiting CP's for pvp- about war/another infos pm to Drecan or Mravec after 8pm-gmt+1)
Clan meeting (was realy almost so) Original made : http://llaiii.deviantart.com/art/school-Lineage-2-329852582
Suicide Squad , hops i mean Clan LF New 100+ Members/CPs If you are looking for few daily pvp/pve and siege versus a double or triple so much enemy, if you are enough Suicide and enough crazy THEN join our clan pm to Drecan,Mravec,Airwolf