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Natami's Alchemy Laboratory

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Chisane, Jul 29, 2015.

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  1. Chisane

    Chisane User

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    All Alchemy success rate is around 60% (aprox). I will ask for money only for Successed alchemy craft. Mail me in game to Natami with ingredients, please do a screenshot of what you are sending before doing so; I will do same with what is arriving. Please do not ask for potions or runes since they are not tradable. Master Alchemy has reuse of 24h so you will have to wait if I got penalty ON.

    Air Stones: I can make them out of any kind of material, gear item, enchant scroll or attribute stone. Send them to me and I will transmutate them for free.

    Enchant Scroll: 5kk
    - Giant's Scroll: Enchant Armor (R-Grade) = 3x EAR + 100 Air Stone (AS)
    - Giant's Scroll: Enchant Weapon (R-Grade) = 3x EWR + 200 AS

    Giant Enchant Stones: 100kk
    - Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-Grade) = 2x GEWR + 200 AS
    - Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-Grade) = 3x GEAR + 200 AS

    Windy Enchant Stones:
    - Windy Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-Grade) = 2x Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon + 1 Tempest Stone 150kk
    - Windy Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-Grade) = 2x Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor + 1 Tempest Stone 50kk

    Lv.4 Legendary Dye: 20kk
    - STR+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary STR + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS
    - DEX+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary DEX + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS
    - CON+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary CON + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS
    - INT+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary INT + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS
    - WIT+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary WIT + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS
    - MEN+5 CHA+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary MEN + Lv. 4 CHA + 100 AS

    - STR+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary STR + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS
    - DEX+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary DEX + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS
    - CON+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary CON + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS
    - INT+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary INT + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS
    - WIT+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary WIT + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS
    - MEN+5 LUC+4 = 2x Lv. 4 Legendary MEN + Lv. 4 LUC+ 100 AS

    Lv.5 Legendary Dye: 30kk
    - CON+5 LUC+5 = 2x Lv. 5 Legendary CON + Lv. 5 LUC + 1 Tempest Stone
    - MEN+5 LUC+5 = 2x Lv. 5 Legendary MEN + Lv. 5 LUC + 1 Tempest Stone

    Spirit Stone: 5kk
    - Mid-Grade Spirit Stone = 5x Spirit Stone + 300 AS
    - High-Grade Spirit Stone = 4x Mid-grade Spirit Stone + 300 AS
    - Top-grade Spirit Stone = 3x High-grade Spirit Stone + 300 AS

    Giant's LS: If someone is enough crazy to try it.. I would do it for free.
    - Life Stone Instilled with Giant's Power = 20 Top Spirit Stone + 20 Elcyum + 50 Tempest Stone

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  2. Chisane

    Chisane User

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    - Windy Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor (R-Grade) = 2x Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Armor + 1 Tempest Stone

    price changed to 50kk

    - Windy Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon (R-Grade) = 2x Giant's Lucky Enchant Stone: Weapon + 1 Tempest Stone

    price changed to 150kk
  3. Chisane

    Chisane User

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    Lv 4 Windy STAT (Luck) dyes added to the list
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