i have killed a pg (i'm 24) and now i have 720 karma points.... it's normal??? i can't play... how i can return whit blank name? 720 mob to kill is really too much for me...
moved to general discussion, this topic was discussed many times. the pk system was changed in the new expansion and now requires you to remove reputation to be "clean". as was advised to you earlier at 24 it's best to start a new char because farming off the karma will take you hours. reputation is earned at 1-2 per mob at that level. removing negative reputation at higher levels becomes a lot easier. it takes about 10 mins to remove 1 pk (if you are alone) after level 85 + regards.
you can only pk when you are 85+ when you get 500k xp+ (w/o pa and vp). 10'000 xp = -1 karma. also please note 1 thing, when you're pk, you don't get xp, also you loose 5 times more xp on death act.
we'd like to inform you that this topic is being closed, since it is inactive, and is being archived, as planned. kind regards.