Hi, I was wondering what is the best skill(s) to take with the dual class certificate ? I guess that +27% skill power is "ozom", but the trigger rate is really low. I'd like to have your opinion about what is, or what are, the best option(s). Thanks
Yes, +27% skill power is good, but the trigger isn't that much good. If u got good gear(some pvp reduction gear), you can use it, won't kill u. If you have avarange gear, go for +12% p/m def. If your gear sux, go HP setup.
+27% skill power + HP Or full HP. Unless you have a **** ton of gear I do not recommend any +%pdef (trigger or passive) Skill power trigger proc at the very least once every 1 or 2 min, its very easy to trigger considering what it gives.
Ok, thanks for the explanation. I'm starting to have a non-totally-garbage stuff, so I'll go for the skill power.