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Comming from american servers

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by Quazax, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Quazax

    Quazax User

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    Hello guys!

    Came back to L2 from interlude times (when kamaels came out). First tried America's server Niai (I am European, though), raised supporter till 88lvl and felt so tired and disappointed.. Yes, bot problem in general and GM's inactivity. Friend suggested European servers.

    Before starting here, I'm curious about few things:

    1) Bots. How are they here? Countless hunting zones haunted by them? GM's do anything to stop them? Legit characters, who uses bots on other accounts gets punished?

    2) Server population. Where to track, how many players are online?

    3) Adena drops. Is it same pathetic as in ncwest servers? Like u spend more on shots than gain from mobs drop.

    4) Avaibility for new, non-paying player. Basically, about market inflation. Are the prices cosmic compared to adena gain? And what about items u can find in market? Everything can be found?

    5) GM's/sevice. If I need help, will I get it? Or just automated messages?

    Not planning to pay much or be best pvper either. Just have fun with pve things/ building character. Thanks in advance!
  2. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    1) Almost bot free. For real, you can farm for months without seeing one. I think that staff knows their added value compared to NCwest is bot banned. About a "legit" (imo you lose this title once you use an alt account to bot) player using an alt account to bot, I don't know if the "main" account will be punished too (didn't try :p), but I'd assume that the penalty is linked to the account.

    2)Exactly, dunno, but enough to do whatever the game has to offer to you. I don't think there is a way to track beside creating a toon and running from siege zone to siege zone a sunday to check.

    3)Adenas drops -at least until the 97+ zones- are pathetic, but there are other ways to make adenas (Kekropus Letters, Zaken/Freya, ...)

    4)Everything can be bought, if you're rich enough. A "standard" set (like a R99 3*120 +34333) is totally affordable after some time if you've some zaken/freya reroll, or if you invest a little money in L2Store. If you're not the lazy *** I am, you can also win adenas by buying/selling items on market, prices fluctuate a lot.

    5)If you need help, you'll get it, but the answer won't come in 1 day. GMs have 10 opened days (so 2 weeks) to answer your ticket. Notice that you will more than probably won't see them ingame, so open your ticket here, on the Support part.
    Quazax likes this.
  3. Quazax

    Quazax User

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    Wow, quick reply. Thanks!

    About bots, it sounds like paradise after NCwest servers. Still, everything else sounds sounds good.

    And what are the adena making ways? As I mentioned before, i played till kamaels came, so I have no common sense how adenas are made now. Yes, i raised character till 88lv at Naia, but it was just spamming kartias and ended up still poor :/

    So, what is about zaken/freya?

    For now, downloading client, and we will see what we have here!
  4. Seivlas

    Seivlas User

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    Check out this part of the forum : https://4gameforum.com/forums/414/

    This is the part dedicaced to the guides. I especially recommend reading those two guides :
    - https://4gameforum.com/threads/25402/ <-- This one is how to make money, it's the one you're looking for
    - https://4gameforum.com/threads/21760/ <-- This one is totally worth it, Elesmira put a lot of time in it. You said you stopped after Kamael, it'll help you to know where to grind and what to do. You will also have a ton of important game mechanics and features explained in it.
    Quazax likes this.
  5. Quazax

    Quazax User

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    Many thanks from me. U are great person, good luck in game ;)
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