Dennysden - I use Steel coins only to get two thing: wepons (recently) and jewelry (from the very start). I'm in plated leather set since lvl 40 (70 at the moment). It costs as little as it can get, and gives +4 Str. Od course I'm a meele type (bladedancer), so it makes sense for my character, no idea if it works for you. But really, check the Giran armor vendor (not the luxury shop) - with newbie buffs you can kill in low grade armor preeeeeety long. Stanicheff - For people like me luxury shop is more of a anegdote, then real choice. I may have f***ed up somewere adena grinding wise, but being 70 now I have roughly 2 mln adena cash, (no counting some unused C/B/A enchantement scrolls). You can't buy anything there with that kind of money, and going broke-*** now just to get through low levels is not smart too.
well for melee type characters like yourself its better to take steel set cause those 4str doesnt make any diference with your uber puper dmg, but those 200def bonus that u get compared to nm hvy (since u have hvy mastery) its alot.. and it helps to save a bit adena by not using hp pot on every mob(if exp somewhere where no herbs) + u with bd u can allways aoe just take steel pole, hvy set and go somewhere where mobs are all agro... for mage clases ofc its better to use karmian/dc set since 15% casting speed makes difference of archers only PL until 85 and +12 str.. there is diference with those clases when u can 1-2shot mobs and that little boost of 4str makes it possible, if u cant 1-2 critshot mob whereever u are exping take steel set