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all 2nd class quests bugged

Discussion in 'Game Bugs (Archive)' started by LikeAVirgin, Sep 9, 2015.

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  1. LikeAVirgin

    LikeAVirgin User

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    doesnt show the htmls, or quests stages, impossible to do for newbies.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    procc likes this.
  2. DIL

    DIL Innova QA Innova Group

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    Please specify the exact quest names, better attach or upload some screenshots clearly indicating the problem. Or you may make a video and upload it on YouTube if a screenshot can't demonstrate the bug.
  3. Totoris

    Totoris User

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    Hello, all quests are bugged and must be reviewed. For example the quest must fallow rules:
    1. Arrow where you accept quest
    2. Arrow where you collect items that complete the quest + all information necessary (no matter how big) should be included in quest info, so one would not google for information over and over.
    Now in this step i understand that some quests require a drop, that can be obtain from different level monsters, and or bosses, so this information should be PUT IN the quest info. So arrow points towards the monsters according to your level, OR it disappears instead of showing where you must finish it.
    3. Arrow where you finish your quest once you have all you need (and only when you have all you need)

    ALSO quests should never end or somehow it should always give information where you can go and get more quests, instead of braking in the middle and you are lost in this virtual universe.
    The best solution would be: to display in the main map over the cities RED quest icon if quests in this city are not completed (excluding pet quests as they are optional, or grouping them as additional icon). OR some board in each city that displays all quests that you did not finish yet, with option to view completed as well + pet quests. <- that would be the best solution

    also some quests have no information at all, not even a name, for example: quest fighting SAKUM in wasteland lv40. there are nothing there, no information at all. It appears a no name quest in a quest book.

    then i had a quest that teaches augmenting, where you get a sword and 2 more items. If you close help window that appears additionally, then quest is not completable, also arrow is missing that points where you should finish it (does not matter that it's in the same place, still the rules should be applied, so it would be simple to play, like World of Warcraft).

    MAP issues:
    so there could be small icon over each city, showing RED quests, PET quests, GREEN quests - not necessary, and most important LEVEL required for quests.
    Also level could be displayed over each zone (and better NOT REQUIRED, but what level monsters appear there) so player could choose where to go instead of "go only there".

    so right now i am lost, because i don't know where to go, what quests i have completed, what quests and where they are available, but most important what can i do with the level i have achieved! so technically speaking the GAME IS UNPLAYABLE

    That would be all so far
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  4. LikeAVirgin

    LikeAVirgin User

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    bump still bugged
  5. casillias

    casillias Technical specialist Innova Group

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