better than rerrol from healer,to mage,ertheia ,archer and fail at all classes xD Oct 26, 2015 It is this harder enough ? xD
Dude, why do you even try? Attention ***** that much? There is nothing special with that, NOTHING. When you do that without bot and 400bi gear, we praise you.
Bot and 400b gear u already praise btw, just check your recent posts in Avabot videos And gaming devices =/= bots. you're the scrub that i humiliated 2x in a row in oly with my iss....good to have confirmation...
I think u humiliated urself with status on archii 97/5 in 3rd week... gg wp. For example hero xWraithx had in that time 600 points and didnt even played all matches.
I never claimed to be better than riordian but i do claim that 90% of the server is better than iReflect
Sadly 97/5 status with items Archii has can do 98% of server population. So i claim, 98% of server is better than u. And not like i wanna defend Reflect, im prettysure he dont need, but check wTakanodan fraps from oly, match vs Reflect, and u must admit wTakandon was even outplayed and lost, because simply reflect played better.
I don't have the slightest problem if 98% of the server can do better, it dosent bother me since i play ocasionally once in a blue moon but it would be interesting to talk about your own olympiad achievements or you can't do oly cuz of weekend nightshifts
Roland trying so hard these days to look good. Are u that desperate to replace vlms cp with some other ? Not that anyone with some self-respect would join that silly excuse of a clan.