I'd like to introduce some of You to the polish clan, the disgrace for the whole polish community in the Lineage 2 world for countless years, I suppose, cause afaik they're scammers and bad mannered clan for a good 5 years as far as I know them. Here are some chocolate cake cherries for You guys P.S. Didn't cropped anything. http://postimg.org/image/vd9bpjfgr/full/ http://postimg.org/image/43xyb1edn/full/ http://postimg.org/image/vft7cdj4b/full/ To set the point of this post, I wanted to say, that they're failed countless times whilst dieing to death blow on purpose or standing on a cursed spot to have a point of raging at me.
We talking about polish clan (polishing, to be shiny) or Polish by big "P" becouse seems you dont know that polish and Polish are two diffrence words. Conclusion - pointless to speak with you. As i see party chat you was pretty slacking so gl that they kicked you from party for being slacker.
you're playing healer and people ask for mana , how bad healer you must be to be asked to do what healer naturally suppose to do