Okay, I want to know it for once... As dwarf I have a 120 space warehouse (20 more than other races) and my dual (non-dwarf class) shares that perk. But when I change to one of my subclasses (non-dwarf once again ), I drop down to 100 warehouse spots. My question is, when my warehouse is full, what will happen to the 20 extra used slots that are not supported by my subclass? Will the WH be overfull, will I temporarily/permanent loose 20 of my items in WH, or what else?
it should be this way... dual class shares main class stats/pasyves (class ones), and subclasses (non awakened ones) have stats of class that should be (for example dark elf archer(<85) on dorf base will have dark elfs pasyves and stats) if u are very unhappy being unable to store items make those 2 subclasses as spoiler and u will not have any problems with that