wts apo thrower full -sold wts zaken +4 -sold wts twilight hvy main-sold wts forgotten blade full-sold wts drac bow full-sold wts bewr-sold wts 6 ewr- 2 left wts 8 uni apo thrower- 5 left wts blessed twi necklace wts 5 vorpal earrings( unsealed) -3 left wts moirai hvy breastplate wts blessed immortal light gloves -sold wts many ss (a,r,s) and bss(a.r.s) -crafting b/sss b/c also. wts twilight crafts - all except ( jewels, twilight hlmt) wts sop- 580 , if required i can get any amounts just need some time wts 4-immortal sigel-sold wts bewa wts saint spear-full wts large dragon bone -sold wts twilight light gloves -sold ___________________________ wtb seraph light hlmt (off) wtb 5 ear (off) wtb 20 water stones wtb 20 water crystals wtb a large quantity of crystals a grade. wtb weapons low a (full) wtb freya +5 or more. pm me here for info. list will be updated with each trade. contacting me is done by msg me here with : item trade, contact ingame. i will no longer respond to messages like: im just curious about the price or etc. we will discuss ingame, the prices are negociable and tradind items for items is accepted.