And nothing much...We made a little PVP video vs clans Arcania and SkyHunters,just for fun. Hope you enjoy! P.S. : In the following video you can notice skill delay (in the end i died with UW on,disparition not dispariting (?),people getting debuffed when should be 'immune' etc) P.S.2 : Keep in mind,when you look at our AWESOME NO DAMAGES,that we're both 2 months old in Core (more or less),and our gear is low. For almost the whole video we were wearing a TW 3x60 set,immortal rings and oly QA,no APs,no dyes etc etc. and mostly our opponents are all 97/100+ (haol is 100,lionel at the end is 101) So...enjoy!
Who are you IG? They have lots of wars,but they are losing all of them...but ye,i guess they're mostly PVE clan since they can't stand any PVP XD or almost Yes I should...but actually i'm fine this way,as far as i can click with hands from F1 to F7 it leave me free to click F8/F12 and anything else with i can keep an eye on almost anything on the screen and be fast reacting (this is why i have next target on F5 the whole time,so i don't have to worry about targetting players who are next to me...even tho,next target priority is 'summon/pet > PVP > PVE' making instant-target a necro or summoner quite annoing ) Lots of people told me to use enter chat etc etc...but if people hates me and i'm a good (not strong atm,but quite a good one) dagger this way,maybe i'm not doing wrong but ty anyway for the advice!