Hello again Core I'm deciding to come back after I got massively scammed around half year ago. I need some info to do so. I see r99 items has make a significant price drop in that time and I want to know. How much would it cost to get basic r99 equip. Whats is the price of r99 robe set and r99 retributer for my wynn. Im literaly sitting on 99 char with 0 equip. I manage to scrap few 100kk before making angry pause =/ Maybe wait for patch to come? Would price drop more? Thanks for you help.
I don't know about price dropping After update, but right now , I would say That if you want something ok for wynn (jewels,set,weapon) I would say That It can be from 4b To 6b. But Maybe I'm also overpricing some items To make this statement.
2b for basic r99 with full attribute. why you would need r99 to play the game again, i do not know. difference to r grade is minimal until you add pve/pvp which is MUCH MUCH MUCH more expensive. Remember you are wynn and only some % of your stats are transfered to your summon. Most of their power is just from levels. Add 300 attribute attack and you're ok for hitting mobs.
If he aims To pvp a bit , Well needs some goodies. For pve , What said escalibran is true you don't need R99
What would be the cheapest pve equip for me then? r95 robe and weapon? Dec 13, 2015 I mean I would like to pvp, but i guess this has to wait =/ Ok, I decided to buy cheapest r95 equip for now. Im selling everything on ah to get adena for it. Im curently naked so I cant play really, anyone have immortal armor or requiem weapon to lend till I sell stuff to buy my own?
pass the time by making a zaken char or 10. you have until tuesday to collect 2k steel door coins on new characters and trade them for a 2 boxes of random armor and 1 box of random weapon to sell or keep.
95wep sa 300+4 isnt that expensive.. its like 600-800kk make some toons for zaken/freya (2accounts) and in 2~ weeks u can gather that much adena easily.. jewels are harder to get but u can start with coc earings/rings (start farming oly (even if its only 10 matches/month)) and in 2weeks (on 1st january) u should be able to get enough for rings, if farmed with more than 2chars u can get extra adena from those and buy yourself earings or add to weapon cost now after update new pa agathion gives shadow weapons, u can take shadow retri (i doubt it will cost more than 10-15kk) make it +4 (will auto add 15% acu to it) and use it to play with your main char, ofc i wouldnt suggest adding 300 to it (maybe 150 only) cause it will sink u 300kk or so for non tradable gun which u cant resell it after to make some adena for other stuff u need
Thanks for info. Im farming zaken, have a bit over 200kk Is freya even worth, what can you get from it? Also doing cic daily, and will also nake oly. What do i take for reward from coc and oly for my class? Im trying to do 50 matches, but it takes ages, is better doing 10? Also i bought month of premium, where or how i get this shadow weapon?
10 matches for oly if you're not 99. The main difference is that 10 matches brings 7kk sp, while the 50 matches will give 70kk sp. But this additionnal reward is only available for people 99+. So atm ==> 10 matches. About the shadow weapon, it's a CHANCE to have a shadow weapon thanks to the agathion. Once in game, equip the 3 headed dragon agathion, summon the dragon, and let him outside for 10 minutes. It'll create an egg in your inventory. Click on it for a random reward.