Be carefull of scammer! So, this guy (he introdiced as russian girl) MasamuneShirrow pmed me yesterday. Saied she is the one who helped me on forums and will help me get back on my feet. She wanted me to trade her my seraph robe, pretending she will enchant it since its christmas. Then calling me paranoid and all sort of stuff since I declined. Seriously, when ppl see you just got back after a pause (since you got scammed of all your possesions), and they want to rob you of basicly no worth seraph robe wich is all you own...on christmas, you know there is something seriously wrong with community.
most likely smth wrong with that person in overall then just this game community to scam some pixel stuff on not real world
I get it, you scam bilion worh items but scamming poor ppl of +0 seraph set? how low can someone be? =/
yeh he tried by us to... first wanted to come to my academy, but i had so bad feelings with him, as i saw he is 80 and not even second class change quest i asked how can be this. No more answere from him then in two min a guy from clan pmed to me that i have a char with so name?.... he wanted to come in academy to get some info about us.