So im back to l2, i left in lindvior patch.. there STR was giving x2 damage on skills similar to criticals, so at endgame high str and some dex was better than only dex. Now i see on my dagger, that pasive was remove, i dont see it anymore.. so is better now go for full dex? I am DE base, planing change to WR and staying in DE base.. So what u guys recommend me?
+15 Dex, are cheaper if feel you need some STR play with tauti brazalet and hair accesory STR and or PA Talisman
Full STR never doubled your dmg lol. It did however give a better chance for double duration on skills and increase your dmg by a bit. I would never say it DOUBLED.
STR build is ONLY if you have a GOOD armor set (PvP if possible) and epics to back it up, for the mad skill reuse and double duration on Angel of Death or Ultimate Evasion when you hit them (which is always good in open world pvp). STR build is also a viable olympiad build for kiting tanks with hide. But once again, its only when you have good gear to make up for things. This build is glass cannon one, but it can work out really well under the right circumstances. If you don't have pvp set and mid-to-end-game epics i suggest you just go DEX + CHA dyes, they're cheap and DEX will provide you with some extra p. skill critical chance, while CHA will provide you with some stats, hp/cp/mp some pdef/mdef/patk/matk/atk speed/cast speed.