Ok. So I am a returning player from Gracia, and back in the day, great wolf was a BEAST of a pet to have around with you. Is it still viable? Does it also have its lvl cap removed? Does it get new equipment? Also. Do pets gain xp from quests I do?
wolf is useless (unless u wanna kill bosses below 85lvl with group of players, but ure sacrificng XP for this). and they dont gain xp from quest. After 85 they fall off so hard, you have no real use for them, low dmg, 1shot by mobs.
Anything to replace it then? Or maybe a class that uses summons? Is dark avenger still the only class (fighter) that utilizes summon?
Wynn is THE class to use pet, dark avenger pet is quite meh, it does give "critical wound" when it hits enemy so its an OK bonus. Are you just wanting the pet cause you enjoy the "comestic" feature or you want to lvl up on an easy way? Since well as a dark avenger, u will unlikely be soloing anything.
I like classes with pets, because well... they have pets xD But I do not enjoy playing a class that let's pet do all the work. (like most summoners on L2) And I do not like mages. I would consider dark avenger or paladin (I heard they got lion or whatever pet as well), but I don't really enjoy playing a tank either xD
Well you see Lion is outdated as hell, it dies very easily (no updates on it since god release 5 years ago..). Healer also has pet tho, an immobile tree that heals and also can summon this humanoid spirit that hits from range..not much dmg but the pet is there and u can heal it. so rly up to u. And dark avenger panther like i say is OK doesnt die easily, has some utility like stun + crit dmg increase.
It's a cool idea of having a dino, like straight from Primeval Island, as a pet. Probably the most useless one that exists, however... Just something that goes well with abandoned ideas. If you want to own one, since you seem to be fond of pets, I might even have a summoning stone somewhere in my warehouse...