Hi, where should i spoil n xp for be rich i was spoil on harnak n selling in grocere.. result ***** dunno where to spoil. ppl on marketplace buy mats lvl.4 my spoil is 88 shadow dager +6 tw set light (upper +6 blesed) set no ele sry for my english
spoil has died with tauti update (2+ years ago) uthere is no place to spoil to become rich.. on90+ with elemented set and elemented wep garden in genesis makes 10-20kk from spoil and 10-25from drop in 1h (but u must kill it kinda fast and ofc have drop rune on u) 95+ u can spoil in gf for gems r, but its only in party and i believe no one goes gf nowadays 97+ soh same for gems r, but once again solo u will not make much, and even in pt u will not make very much 99+ enchanted valey spoil bigest flowers and hope sm1 will kill them for u