Quality is lower than usual isn't it ? Changed your recording tool ? Gj on that 7v7, did julio and erica ever die ?
Eh...so White was right...actually i've no clue,beside my connection being totaly terrible (just to say,in my signature you can see how i play almost the whole time,it's a miracle i can record or play XD) the setups from the program were always the same...i should make some tests with quality but...6 hours to upload a video or 3 hours to convert it to mp4...too lazy Q_Q Nope,neither of them,in fact i had to 'cut' the video,there was 2 mins more,but we killed Lorreen once or twice more,then only erika and julio were left alive,so we ended the pvp at that point.I stabbed erika for 4k. WTB new shaper 'coz mine broke. D:
Not sure the problem is the 'recording tool'...most likely the 'editing tool'...i'm trying to upload the video with 'custom setups',and also changed some setups on the pc,so i should be able to play smoothly now...less graphic lag and less recording problems (if it works i should be able to upload videos with 1080p instead of 720p increasing also the quality)...so i really hope i'll be able to make videos with a better quality soon x_x"
Try to follow Troy's guide for rendering, works pretty well for quality. I also think that fraps gives better quality than the embedded recorder in l2.