Goal: to check the influence of Special Magic Ornament Eternal Belt (PVP Attack) on magic skills. Attacker: 102 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse Target: 102 lvl Feoh Archmage In this experiment 102 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse was attacking 102 lvl Feoh Archmage using Lv. 10 Elemental Crash. In the first part of experiment Eternal Belt was applied, in the second in wasn’t. As always, a special GM command turned off a damage spread. The results are stated below. 102 lvl Feoh Mystic Muse Lv. 10 Elemental Crash Damage Up, % Without Belt 1670/3340 - Top-grade Magic Ornament Eternal Belt PvP Skill Attack 1753/3507 5% Special Magic Ornament Eternal Belt PVP Attack 1770/3540 6% Summary: As it can be seen from the results, Special Magic Ornament Eternal Belt (PVP Attack) increases magic skill damage by 6%.
wow this is amazing, yul damage with 101 skill w/o belt 192k yul damage with 101 skill w belt 292k belt is working
Idea for next experiment: how Special Magic Ornament Eternal Belt PVP defense R99 increase recived pvp damage.
lol.... who was that genius who ask for such tests.... p.s. https://4gameforum.com/threads/11007/ almost same test. and there was another test. but old one. in freya or smth.. with a - s belts http://boards.lineage2.com/showpost.php?p=3050224&postcount=3
no one ask those tests... they just dont want to test smth that is interesting and is in request section.. seeing last 5-10 tests i can presume deciding what to test goes like this: A: hi coleagues what we gona test today B: what ever that takes no more than 10s to test cause we are too busy now counting all the money those morrons keep sinking here, we need more hands to count it so be quick with your test A: but maybe something they actually requested? C(head of innova): it was told to u "A" that u have 10s and its already 9gone! no good tests.. let them keep trowing money to test themselves..