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Tell me how its possible???

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by TTRLE, Jun 5, 2016.

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  1. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    Today at 9:00 am i tryed some duels at coliseum versus a wynn,im a tank and i dont had the balls to win him,more than that, ive tryed to kill him with a dagger and the same occurs. Tell me,im noob,i need to improve,or just the wynn is too op???? He use the skill of mark of fire and other marks and the combat ends quick,with the tank i resist more but more of same. Tell me,is the wynn class VERY OP???? Ive tryed a duel with the same person but this time he is an iss,and this time with the tank i win,but i dont have the balls versus the wynn. The two have similar lvls,he have 87 and me have 86. IS THE WYNN CLASS VERY OP????

    I explain the combat: he throw the summons versus me,i use invisibility (with the dagger) i approach and i use the skill that put me on his back and stuns him,i use backstab but for unknown reasons he use an skill that turns me crazy and i start to run elsewhere,i try to use again the skill of put myself on his back while i stun him but the combat ends quick by the marks,only i win him 2 times of about 10. With the tank is different,i send the lion,and immediately i use the chain for approach to me,i use the skill that slows the movement and later all other attack skills,i use aura of magical protection and sigel force. When he runs i use again the chain and i repeat the things mentioned. But still he wins. Only i win 2 rounds of about 8. THERE IS ANY SECRET THAT I DONT KNOW ABOUT SUMMONER????

    Oh and i forgot to use the lightning attack with my tank,maybe this counts???? Im sigel shilen templar and i dont have the balls to win a summoner,still if i use a dagger (dagger is othell fortune seeker,maybe this counts???) i dont have balls to win it. If he use an iss then the things change (and i dont know if he only give me the combat easy,because he use only normal attacks and he have apocalipse dual sword,so i dont know if he give me the combat easy for dont cry,he is a clan member) I thought that if i use a dagger or an archer i win summoners and mages or healers,but with the dagger (i dont tryed with an archer) its impossible and with tank less. Should i need to stop playing and start to think to abandon the game???? Really i thought that with a tank i resist more but he use the marks and the combat ends quick. With dagger more quick. Is the summoner the ultimate class??? I have one,its for start to lvl up the summoner instead of tank,because if the summoner its that too op,then i prefer it over other classes.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  2. zauliuz

    zauliuz User

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    mark of fire = fear.
    and second - when you get mark of trick you are doomed. 70% or more your skills fail.
  3. cmec1

    cmec1 User

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    best comparison of chars at 85 lvl i saw ^^.. both have 20k hp.. and wyn with his 4 marks drain 1k+/tick (~3k/second) so how u planing to win against that? ^^ try mass scale pvp(1000 vs 1000 or even bigger) of 85lvls next time - will be more clear who rocks the pvp for sure (when ones who are alive will be healers)..
  4. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    There is no balance in this game.
    No, wynn is not OP.
    You are too low level and low geared to judge power of characters.
    1v1 and 3v3 and 7v7 and mass pvp are very diferent and give classes diferent streghts and weaknesses.
    Tank is not meant to win 1v1s, u need a specific build for this.
  5. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    Ok thanks for ur answers. I already do a siege last sunday but with the dagger with lvl 85,i only killed two ertheias of same lvl but not more. Now im going to focus with my tank and lvl up at max,im planning to take chaos essence and change to phoenix knight to protect my party and have more defense. At high lvls maybe on sieges i rock. I face a tank at the siege of past sunday (not today) with my clan mates,we are 4,two are lvl 100,me and a healer lvl 85-89 and we havent have the balls to kill the tank lvl 99. The tank kill me and later his team mates arrive,we died like rats on battlefield. So i want to do the same work on battlefield when im lvl 99,but if i face a wynn of my same lvl maybe i die quick,thats the cause of the thread. Im planning to take r95 grade equipment when i arrive to 95,my clan leader said me that is not necessary take equipment from auction,i only need to do instances and wait for drops,that is how he have r95 equipment. But that is another theme. Now im talking about resistance of tank versus wynn,maybe at higher lvls i resist more the attacks of wynn???? I believe,yes.
  6. Padj1l

    Padj1l User

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    In a party you will have a healer cleansing marks, resulting in wynns dealing 0 damage to you :)
  7. syzgod

    syzgod User

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    The other funny thing at the moment 85 char can land any skills even on a 101+ char. No matter what. I have all mental jewels and a 85 iss can land any skills on me in oly like 95% possibility. But I read they gonna change this so the char/skill level gonna matter in the next update.

    This game is broken, It has always been. Deal with it.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  8. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    Hope that would be true...
  9. Yunalesca

    Yunalesca User

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    Wynns are nothing, your problem will be feohs(cause ur Magic def wil lbe low) and archers coz archer can 1 shot tanks, just get p def and hp and ul lbe fine.
  10. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    I believe that the mortal enemy of tanks on physical damage was daggers o_O
  11. SnoWyz

    SnoWyz User

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  12. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    So wynns,feohs,yuls and othells are my mortal enemyes???? So what will win a tank versus other class??? Maybe Tyrs and Isses??? I do the duel with the same person as is a wynn and i win,so Isses and Tyrs are my targets on battlefield???? Or maybe the tank is only a class that resist a lot,no matter what class face???? Because we face a tank on the last siege in aden castle,the tank is r99 and we are an othell lvl 86,aeore lvl 87,yul lvl 101 and other yul lvl 99,and we havent the balls to kill him. He survived the attacks and later the teammates of him arrived and we died like rats. But im curious,if an archer can one hit a tank,why with 2 yuls of the same lvl cant win a tank???? Something is wrong on ur info.
  13. NeoTiger

    NeoTiger Global moderator

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    Read again what @Yunalesca had written : Tank is not meant to play solo so there is no concept of mortal enemies. If you really want to kill as tank, you need a full damage build or better, rerolling to damage dealer class.

    On battlefield, your role is to keep your party alive, keep enemies under control and reduce their threats. Who you should focus depends of the party setup you are facing. Healers and Yuls and sometimes Feohs (not in this chronicle) are mainly the primary targets.

    About your yul 101, he should have killed the tank with his 101 skill. If he didn't, either his gameplay was bad or he got outgeared.
  14. TTRLE

    TTRLE User

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    Oh then the problem is the yul,its lvl 100,not 101. My fault. And i already know that my function as tank is to protect party members,now that im Phoenix knight,more than ever...
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
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