Hey all, I havent played in ages but got some vacation coming up and wanted to play some l2. I just have a question about AoE solo xp, I used to play a DN for a long time before as I think smashing multiple mobs at the same time hours to an end is super fun. Is Dreadnought still a good AoE class for solo + box xp? or most importantly are there any good AoE spots 85 - 99 that reminds one off for example FoG or upper GC? Thanks
There are zones to solo/duo given you have box/friend iss or l2store buffs. And you can find places in most level ranges.
I solo'd my Dread from 1-99 and then switched to Titan for more Single Target dmg, since there isn't much aoe spots that are good after like 97. Note: I had premium for this, and would always use the Premium Buff Potions and Premium Buff for Art of Seduction. 85-95 I made a force macro for my Tornado to open Cacoons, and started on the easy side of fairies and moved up to the hard side of fairies. (During this period if you want to mix things up you can go to SoS as well but its not as fast exp but its a nice change of scenery) 95-97+ I sat in SH2 at a pillar, hell when helios comes out you could make a loop macro for that location and just sit there and watch it and tv at the same time, if you get low on hp you just take control, make sure to grab some HP Herbs and continue on. 97+ Is when traditional exp goes to die, and you spend your days just running dailies. K95 x2, Baylor x2, CC x3. Rinse and repeat.
Enchanted valey?, if ure using rose, u shouldnt have problems here. As a warlord the stun lands very well in this place.
I would not suggest EV to AoE especially under 99, or at 99. If his stun fails to land on 2-3 mobs he will die in a matter of seconds. Especially when he agros the little whispy **** that poisons with his large provoke. On a titan there with +5 Blessed R99 Heavy armor DIamond lvl 3 and PA Rose if more than 2 mobs get on you, you need to start popping cds to keep up.
well if u wanna xp eficiently solo aoe u need some gear (doesnt need to be pve gear), get basic stun setup, its pretty cheap. i had seraph +6 bless and at 99 i could solo there with warlord, my problem was just dps (but at the time there wasnt even proper SA for spear - ihad DMG up-, now there is).