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Othell 102 (soon) / Titan 101 - LF active/serious CP!

Discussion in 'Archive 2.0' started by fapandgame, Jul 28, 2016.

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  1. fapandgame

    fapandgame User

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    Looking for an active CP that doesn't waste its' time all day everyday, basically.

    To make it perfectly clear at first --> I am not looking for a group just for gearing up (like other snakes on the server). I need activity and a group to actually do stuff in the game with; and with the update around the corner (more or less) solo-ing just won't cut it anymore...

    What i can offer:
    - Playtime during the weekdays at any given time of the day; except weekends, 'cuz those are the days i am most solicited at work... (When i cannot be online, i will always state the reason at least a day before i am gone)
    - Fully geared character ready to do stuff - full epics, blessed r99 set, Kelbims, talismans, ch belt, shirt, brooches, important skills enchanted, etc... (Not a donor here, everything is done with my own two hands, bashing away at the keyboard and mouse!)
    - Experienced in pretty much all aspects of the game.
    - Like i said upper, i don't need you nor am i looking to join the group just so i can w*hore some pixels. I am doing just fine on my own and i can pretty much do/get whatever i set my mind to with my own efforts.

    What i ask in return:
    - Mature and relaxed atmosphere in the group.
    - ACTIVITY. And by this i mean i don't want to see scenarios like ""OH it's Wednesday today, instances reset... let's go do everything"" -- and then the next day i cannot find you to say at least "HI". And so on.
    - People who are not incompetent at the game. I want to join a group with properly built characters, not just gear-wise but miscellaneous aspects also!

    For more infos you can leave a message here, or PM on forum, or you can message me in-game on "Phteven

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
    florin likes this.
  2. fapandgame

    fapandgame User

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    Has it really been two weeks already?

    To whom it may concern... Update for the lulz:
    -- Level achieved, new shiny set... #more goodies on the way!

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