Hello, lf a advice to dual certy for a wynn. Any1 know what is a chance to activate "Dual- light of protection", "Dual - light of blessing" (and this blessing can be used from magic skills). I thinking about HP, or p atak/m atak passive.
And on other class like dark elf yul and dual tyrr titan, how ppl can use same dual skills like ( berserker rage ) idk
Dont know why your post was deleted. And I dont know even what was in this post :]. If it was about certyficate can you post it again?
if you are going for defense, p.def trigger + hp is way better than 4 hp.. for sure mental trait can be nice on a pvp wynn, you can even add physical trait if you go oly/coc.. about pve, you can either go berserk rage +27% p.atk (not master's rage) + p. atk 3% (if you are gonna be transformed all the time, like with zaken scrolls and the wynn transform skill you have) or go p. zerk + 2 p.atk if you are gonna pve without transform (this way you don't need to keep buying zaken scrolls all the time)
Depends on the person gear. If it's low, p def trigger won't ve very good, since it won't add much. In pve, you might just go for the specialized p attack + normal p attack too, since IMO transform will take the ability to nuke some marks.