Hello , I would like to have a advice about order items. Currently I have : Set Light r99 + 4 / 3x120 Shiny Shirt +5 Bow r99 + 4/300 Baium , Queen Ant, Frintezza , Zaken ( Its all normal and not soul or blessed )and Earring Stun COC Anihi Talisman I know I need the brooch 's best jewelry , set +6 at least, a better bow , Dye 's and other items ... But in what order I buy ? What is a priority ? That would be the order? Brooch 's> DYE > BOW > Jewels ?
Brooch (diamond/ruby/opal) at least lvl 3 > Dyes +15 str > Shiny Shirt +8 (still there is some scrolls on market that destruction scroll for shirt) > Skill enchant to +10 (if you play mostly pve so do attack skills only on ++ not defs skills > change jewelery Octav Earing Warrior + AQSoul / Octav Neck Warrior / Istina Earring Clean or blessed zaken or Octav Earring Warrior (pdef 3%)+ CoC Stun (mdef) > Set +6 (best if blessed) > Venir Talisman lvl 7 (str+cha) > Taurus agation (even lvl 1, its always additionaly rapso for you) > OE/Buy bow +7+ > make 2nd SA.
I'd not advice an Octa Warrior Earring. As a Yul, your main CC tool will be your stun, so you want to land it as often as possible (and resist as much as possible to it), so my advice would be : -CoC Stun Earring +40%, and a nice +10% cp -Istina Earring (care, the normal one, not warrior/mage one !) +30% For Skills enchant, focus on : -Pinpoint shot (break) -Quick shot (break) -Stun shot (chance) -Quick Fire (if you took it - duration) -UE (duration) -Your 101 skill (if you're 101 - duration) Then the rest of skills (tornado, arrow rain, multiple, ...)